IfNotNow College Updates

Bring the #JewishResistance to your campus!

On campus, our Jewish institutions are failing us. They are more concerned about fighting BDS than white supremacy and antisemitism. They continue to cozy up to right-wing donors who support Trump, white supremacy, and the occupation. They tell us that there is only one way to talk about Israel in the Jewish community.

While our institutions remain silent on the Occupation, Trump, and white supremacy, young Jews are rising up across the country to be the moral leaders of the Jewish community.

Students are hungry for Jewish community and spiritual resources on campus during this difficult time, but instead, our institutions feed us right-wing talking points and lead us down a path of fear and isolation.

We know that the greatest threats to the future of the Jewish community are the occupation and a new wave of antisemitism fueled by white supremacy.

We know that we need to be in solidarity, not isolation, with other communities threatened by emboldened white supremacy, racism, and antisemitism.

We will be the generation to end our community’s support for the occupation.

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