Call AG Yost to protect Ohioans instead of oil and gas industry’s profits from plastics.

Please make a critical phone call to Attorney General Dave Yost and your local representatives to help ensure that the Athens, Ohio, single-use bag ban remains in effect.

Attorney General Dave Yost filed a request for a permanent injunction to prevent the enforcement of the single-use bag ban, the city has yet to make a formal response. We support the Athens, Ohio, single-use bag ban because it would reduce plastic pollution and help protect our community.

Do you disagree with Attorney General Dave Yost taking aim at the Athens, Ohio, single-use carryout bag ban? Do you agree that municipalities should be able to protect their local environments from plastic pollution? Do you agree state leadership in Ohio is overstepping its bounds and essentially ignoring the will of the people? ACT NOW!

Take a few minutes now to call on Attorney General Dave Yost to work on this issue.

1. Call Attorney General Dave Yost's office at 800-282-0515

2. When someone answers, feel free to use your own words or follow this short script:

"Hello, my name is ___ and I live in ____. I'm calling to urge Attorney General Dave Yost to allow Athens, Ohio, single-use bag ban to remain in effect. The ban is an important policy that helps remove single-use plastic from the community.”

Feel free to BRIEFLY tell them why this issue matters to you. Examples could include that you're worried about the impact of single-use plastic bags, that you're sick of throwing so much plastic away, that you're worried about climate change because plastic is a big greenhouse gas emitter, or that you're concerned about environmental justice because landfills and incinerators are almost always located in low-income and minority communities, etc.

3. Thank the staffer for taking your call and fill out this form to log your call.

4. Please also take the time to call your state representative. You can find their contact information here.

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