Call for Volunteers: Loss and Damage Youth Coalition
Are you interested in taking action for global climate justice? We are a coalition of young people from around the world advocating for action on the most severe impacts of climate change, which within the UN Climate Negotiations is called Loss and Damage.
We are seeking volunteers and member organizations to help us in our work. If you are 35 years old or under, you can join our growing community!
Overview of the Working Groups
By signing up to volunteer, you are signifying your commitment to taking action as a member of LDYC. The following details outline how you can get involved:
1. LDYC has five working groups you are invited to join: Advocacy, Training, Storytelling, research, and Communications. We ask members to choose one working group and consistently contribute to its activities.
a) Training: Training WG develops and delivers interactive training modules/workshops for youth on loss and damage. Training WG will provide knowledge sharing on topics such as loss and damage and international climate policy, as well as skills such as storytelling, blogging, and media engagement.
b) Advocacy: Advocacy WG aims to influence governments and world leaders to take action and responsibility to address loss and damage. This will include advocacy of governments and international stakeholders such as negotiators within the UNFCCC, campaigning around loss and damage finance, and hosting global mobilizations.
c) Storytelling: Storytelling WG tell stories about climate change to raise awareness about loss and damage and the resilience of frontline communities through the use of various storytelling techniques, such as blogs, video, and art, to share our stories and link them to the broader demands for justice on loss and damage.
d) Communications: Communications WG creates and shares content about LDYC’s activities, runs our social media, build our website, and works with the news media.
e) Research: Research WG leads the Coalition research projects and produces research reports, policy briefs, etc. The research working group has two categories based on time commitments or availability. Here are the two clusters:
General members: A member who attends workshops and can support the work engaged at a very flexible time on an individual timeframe.
Active member: A member willing to actively engage in the activities of the working group that links to other activities of the coalition; they will commit 15 hours per week, but subject to their availability and the nature of their task, this might change.
The Working Groups hold weekly meetings to discuss and strategize campaigns and programs. If some members cannot make the meeting times, we will offer the option of joining a different working group in a more suitable time zone or working asynchronously through the Slack channel. The following is the schedule of the WG meetings:
Communication: Friday - 2 PM GMT
Storytelling: Thursday- 12 PM GMT
Training: Thursday - 4 PM GMT
Advocacy: Saturday - 9 AM GMT
Research: Monday 12 PM GMT
2. Working Group members are expected to carry out the following responsibilities:
- Attending all working group meetings for their chosen working group
- Signing up for action items to carry out the work of the working group (for example, in the Communications team, creating content for social media for one week each month)
- Spending 2-5 hours per week on LDYC activities
3. You can sign up to become a general member if you do not wish to be part of any working group, as long as you contribute and participate in actions and campaigns.
NOTE: All members who recommit, be it as general members or working group members, are expected to carry out the following responsibilities:
- Joining LDYC's Slack channel to communicate with others.
- Joining LDYC-wide meetings every 4 to 6 weeks.
- Participating in LDYC campaigns and events as they arise.