Call Minnesota's Governor Dayton to Stop the Line 3 Tar Sands Pipeline

Thank you for calling Minnesota's Governor Dayton to help the pipeline fighters and water protectors on the ground stop Enbridge's Line 3 tar sands pipeline. You can use the following conversation outlines when you call his comment line -- and then fill out the quick form to the right to let us know how it goes!


CALLING FROM MINNESOTA -- Hi, my name is ___, I live in ___, and I am calling today to express my concern about the Line 3 pipeline. I want to thank the Governor for supporting his Department of Commerce in opposing Line 3, and ask that Dayton to everything his power to stop this pipeline from harming Minnesota communities. The case against Line 3 has been clearly laid out by this administration’s agencies, as well as the intervening Ojibwe bands and the people who participated in the PUC process. The fight to stop Line 3 matters to me because… Governor Dayton has stated he wants to be the clean water governor, a climate champion, and to make wise decisions for future generations. I’m calling today to ask that he put those intentions into action by supporting his agencies and speaking out against Line 3.

CALLING FROM DOWNSTREAM ON THE PIPELINES (WI, IL, IN, MI) -- Hi, my name is ___, I live in ___, and I am calling today to express my concern about the Line 3 pipeline. If Line 3 is constructed, that oil will be passed on to those of us downstream, where we’ll be facing destructive pipeline expansion and construction, and increasing the risk of oil spills in our communities. I want to thank Governor Dayton for supporting his agencies in opposing the pipeline, and ask that he do everything in his power to stop this pipeline from enabling more harm across the Great Lakes region. I personally care about stopping Line 3 because…. I’m calling today to ask that Governor Dayton stand with his neighbors and speak out against Line 3.

CALLING FROM ACROSS THE COUNTRY -- Hi, my name is ___, I live in ___, and I am calling today to express my concern about the Line 3 pipeline. I want to thank Governor Dayton for supporting his agencies in opposing the pipeline, and ask that he do everything in his power to stop this pipeline from contributing to the climate nightmare that’s already harming our communities. Minnesota can’t be making long-term investments in fossil fuels and claiming to care about stopping the climate crisis at the same time. I care about the climate crisis because…. Governor Dayton has stated he wants to be a climate champion, and climate champions don’t build pipelines. I’m calling today to ask that Governor Dayton to support his agencies and speak out against Line 3.

No matter where you're calling from, thank you for taking time to stand with us by calling Minnesota's Governor Dayton and asking him to use his power to stop Line 3!

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