Call Rep. Tonko About The CLEAN Future Act & The BFFPPA

Please call Representative Paul Tonko now to urge him to co-sponsor the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act and to remove incineration as a source of clean energy in the CLEAN Future Act.

1. Dial Rep. Tonko's D.C. office at (202) 225-5076. If you can't get through, try his Albany office at (518) 465-0700.

2. When someone answers or if you're instructed to leave a voicemail, you can use your own words or the script below:

Hi, my name is _YOUR NAME_ and I'm calling from _YOUR TOWN/CITY_ to urge the Congressmember to do two things. The first is to co-sponsor the newly reintroduced Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act (the bill number is HR 2238 in case that is helpful) to address our ever-growing plastic pollution crisis.

The second thing I'm asking is to please remove incineration of any kind as a source of "clean energy" in his CLEAN Future Act. Burning waste is not a source of clean energy because it pollutes our air and creates toxic ash which is a whole new mess that has to be contained in a dump. It's dirty energy -- for everyone three pounds of waste you burn, you end up with one pound of toxic ash.

I was disappointed to see that the Congressman included incineration in this otherwise promising bill because the __Wheelabrator/BioHiTech/Lafarge/ANSWERS__ facility has caused serious environmental and health problems in my community. ADD ANY DETAILS ABOUT THE LOCAL IMPACTS YOU'D LIKE.

I think the CLEAN Future Act is a good complement to the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act which, by the way, I really hope Congressman Tonko will co-sponsor but we can’t afford to open the door to more incinerators in our neighborhoods under the guise of clean energy.

3. Thank the staffer for taking your call.

4. Then please take 5 seconds to fill out the form on the right to let us know how your call went. It is so helpful for us to know what you're hearing.

Thanks for taking a few minutes out of your busy day to help protect our oceans, wildlife, soil, air and bodies from plastic pollution.

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