Call Sen. Gillibrand About The Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act

Please call Senator Kirsten Gillibrand now to urge her to co-sponsor the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act.

1. Dial her office at: 202-224-4451 (if you can't get through you can call her NYC district office at: 212-688-6262).

2. When someone answers or if you're instructed to leave a voicemail, you can use your own words or the script below:

"Hi, my name is YOUR NAME.

I'm calling from YOUR TOWN/CITY to ask you Senator Gillibrand to co-sponsor the Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act.

I'm very concerned about the growing amount of plastic that's littering our oceans, rivers, and Great Lakes, filling up landfills, hurting wildlife, and polluting our air, water, soil and even our bodies.

The Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act is the only bill yet introduced in Congress that will actually address our growing plastic pollution crisis by reducing the amount of plastic produced and shifting more responsibility to manufacturers to deal with the mess their products create, as well as pausing unnecessary new plastic production.

I hope the Senator will co-sponsor the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act without delay and be a leader in confronting this scary environmental and public health crisis."

3. Thank the staffer for taking your call. They may ask you to provide your full address to verify that you are a constituent.

4. Then please take 5 seconds to fill out the form on the right to let us know how your call went. It is so helpful for us to know what you're hearing.

Thanks for taking a few minutes out of your busy day to help protect our oceans, wildlife, soil, air and bodies from plastic pollution.

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