Call the DOJ: Demand an investigation into Morton County's brutal attack on Standing Rock water protectors.

On November 20th the Morton County Sheriff's office put Standing Rock water protectors in grave danger. Over 160 people were injured, including an elder who went into cardiac arrest and several people treated for rubber bullet injuries to the face. One person faces amputation after a "less-than-lethal" projectile ripped through her arm.

Police fired water cannons at the protectors for at least six hours in below freezing temperatures, exposing them all to hypothermia. Medical professionals at the camp called for a cessation of this tactic because of the real threat that people could die. And Morton County law enforcement  just kept drenching water protectors in water, tear gassing them, firing concussion grenades and using sonic weapons against them.

Call the Department of Justice: Demand an investigation into Morton County's brutal attack on Standing Rock water protectors.

After your call, fill out this form to tell us how the call went.

Department of Justice phone numbers:
Main: 202-514-2000, press 0. (This one has been hard to get through.)
Department Comment Line: 202-353-1555

Hello, my name is __________. The Morton County Sheriff's violently attacked water protectors last night - drenching them in water in freezing temperatures, using concussion grenades, sonice weapons, and projectiles that ripped through skin and bone. This is torture and must be treated as such. The Department of Justice must investigate the awful human and civil rights violations last night at Standing Rock and charge the Morton County department.

Morton County law enforcement is already claiming that they were putting out fires started by the protectors, but several livestream feeds, including the one we followed all Sunday night, show that the fires were started by Morton County officers and their tear gas and concussion grenades. Do not let them get away with telling this lie!

Law enforcement cannot be allowed to torture people who are fighting to maintain clean drinking water and preserve their sacred sites. We cannot sit idly by while people are brutalized like this.

Call the Department of Justice and demand they investigate and charge the Morton County Sheriff's Department for these life-threatening attacks on peaceful unarmed protectors immediately!