Call To Action: Talk Your Senators' Health Care Legislative Assistants

The Senate healthcare bill is currently being crafted in secret. Just like the House bill, it will have no hearings and no expert witnesses. This is what we know so far.

We have visited our fellow senators' offices and we have held town halls without them to share our health care stories and concerns. We want them to know the current law works. It's affordable, when not manipulated by the current administration, and it protects the most vulnerable in our society.

But, somehow, they appear not to hear us. So, we are trying something different. We need you to call their Washington offices and talk to their Health Legislative Assistants. Each senator has one. The assistants are there to specifically help the senator's staff with health care legislation and we feel if you can share your stories and concerns directly with them, we can make more progress. The phone numbers and their names are provided in the graphic above.

Here is a sample script:
My name is [your name], and I live in [your city], KS. I wanted to talk to you about my health care [share your story and your concerns. Explain to them how important your current health care is and why you don't want it to go away].

We have only until the end of June make our voices heard, because that is when the Senate plans to bring the bill to a floor vote.

Call, have your family call, and have your friends call. It will take all of us to keep ObamaCare from being repealed.

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Kansas City, MO