Tell Your Senators to Vote NO against the Graham-Cassidy Bill
If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's still a duck.
Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina have introduced the “Graham-Cassidy bill,” but it’s really just another version of Trumpcare.
The Graham-Cassidy bill would still:
- Take away health insurance from 32 million Americans;
- Eliminate tax credits that help working people afford health coverage;
- Remove protections for people with pre-existing health conditions;
- End protections against lifetime and annual limits on insurance coverage;
The Graham-Cassidy bill is still an attack on our freedoms — the freedom of working families to have access to affordable health care; the freedom of people with pre-existing conditions to get the medical treatment they need; and the freedom of our most vulnerable citizens, including children and the elderly, to live healthy lives.
If it walks and talks like a duck, it’s still Trumpcare.
Call your senators today and tell them to reject the Graham-Cassidy bill.