Call to Tell Mitch McConnell Not to Take Away Health Care from Millions of Americans

Extreme Republican leaders in Congress are moving quickly on a bill to take away health care benefits from millions of families by repealing the Affordable Care Act. Our best chance to stop it is in the Senate, but we need to send a clear message to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell that we’re going to do everything to save health benefits for working people.

Call Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and tell him you oppose this dangerous bill.

Fill out the form now and you’ll get a call back to the phone number you enter that will connect you to McConnell’s office. When you’re connected, tell the person you speak with that you oppose the Republican plan to repeal the ACA because it will confiscate health benefits from millions of people, hand a big tax break to the wealthy few and impose a burdensome permanent tax on working people’s health benefits.

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