Call your senators. STOP them from repealing our health care.

The Senate’s new Cassidy-Graham bill will destroy the Affordable Care Act. It will push millions of people off of health care. It will drive up rates and costs. It will allow states to remove protections for people with pre-existing conditions. It will allow health insurance corporations to opt-out of essential services like maternity care. In other words, it is a terrible and disastrous bill.

But this time they are also taking aim at the future. You see, this bill doesn’t just dismantle health care as we know it, it also aims to block future solutions like Bernie Sanders’ “Medicare for All” bill introduced last week.

Whether your senators are Republicans or Democrats, call both of your senators now by dialing 888-981-9704. Here's what you can say:

Vote NO on the Graham-Cassidy health care repeal. Our families can’t afford a bill that would throw millions off health care, destroy Medicaid, and make us pay more for health care. We don’t want health care caps, health care cuts, or tax giveaways for corporations and the rich! We demand legislation that expands and improves Medicaid and Medicare, requires Medicare to negotiate prices with wealthy prescription drug corporations, and moves towards a Medicare-for-all system that ensures every person in this country can receive the care they need.

Once you've called, be sure to let us know using the form to the right, so we can track how many calls we're making to the Senate.

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