Candidates On Racial Justice: Fort Myers Mayoral Race

Showing Up for Racial Justice SWFL e-mailed all candidates for Fort Myers mayor a questionnaire on issues relating to racial justice. (To see candidate responses from other races on the ballot in Southwest Florida, click here.)

Responses were received from:

Jacquelyn McMiller

Kevin Anderson

The following candidate in this primary race did not respond:

Gaile Anthony

This note was provided by Kevin Anderson:

I am respectfully declining to complete this survey. However, I offer this brief statement in regards to SURJ’s efforts. While every citizen may not agree with every vote I have cast or every decision I have made, I stand on my record of being fair and impartial. I have represented all citizens of Fort Myers in a non-partisan manner. As a 27 year veteran of law enforcement I was involved in numerous crime prevention efforts and continue to support these efforts. I am committed to eliminating racial disparities in our city and will work closely with the Mayor’s Council on Diversity and Inclusion to reach these goals. Since my election to the city council I have advocated for more accountability in the police department and I currently serve as the liaison to the Citizen Police Review Board. As always, I am available to meet to discuss these issues in person.

Below are the responses received from Jacquelyn McMiller to our questionnaire.

1. Do you support the Movement for Black Lives?

McMiller: Yes

2. Are you committed to identifying and eliminating racial disparities within the jurisdiction or scope of the elected office for which you seek?

McMiller: Yes

3. Investments in social services and community programs consistently have shown to reduce poverty and crime. Do you support reducing the budgets of law enforcement agencies and reallocating funds to social services and community programs?

McMiller: Yes

Reallocation of funds will be crucial in establishing community policing and developing community support program.

4. Do you support efforts for increased accountability and public transparency for law enforcement officers who engage in improper policing, excessive and deadly use of force, and other instances of brutality against citizens?

McMiller: Yes

Not only do I support those efforts, it will be a priority.

5. In instances of officer-involved shootings resulting in the death or injury of a civilian, do you support an independent agency unaffiliated with local law enforcement to investigate these instances, with the authority to bring charges against an officer if use of excessive force is determined?

McMiller: Yes

6. Do you support an end to qualified immunity for law enforcement officers?

McMiller: Yes

7. Do you support efforts to remove armed law enforcement officers from schools, as well as armed teachers and staff, and instead hire more counselors and mental health professionals to serve students?

McMiller: Yes

I support removing armed teachers and staff from school and allowing teachers and staff to do exactly what they have been trained for . . . to TEACH!

8. The cash bail system keeps more than 70% of people charged, but not convicted, for a crime in local jails for several weeks or months due to an inability to afford bail. This disproportionately affects people of color and poorer folks. Do you support efforts to eliminate or reform the cash bail system?

McMiller: Yes


9. Do you support increasing funding to assist individuals and families experiencing homelessness, as well as mental health services and court diversion programs that prioritize mental health and treatment for addiction over incarceration?

McMiller: Yes

10. Do you support efforts to address the rising cost of housing by working with federal, state and local agencies to build more affordable housing for renters and homeowners?

McMiller: Yes

11. Do you support a $15 minimum wage and labor policies including fair scheduling and paycheck fairness protections?

McMiller: Yes

12. Do you support efforts to provide relief for student loan debt and to make some public colleges and universities tuition-free?

McMiller: Yes

13. Do you support efforts to provide universal Pre-K education for all young children?

McMiller: Yes

14. Do you support the decriminalization of marijuana for recreational use?

McMiller: Yes

I support the decriminalization of marijuana less than 20 grams.  

15. Do you support the removal of objects glorifying the Confederacy from public spaces?

McMiller: Yes

16. Briefly list any proposals or policies you will pursue to promote racial justice in the community and ensure the voices of people of color are represented through the elected office you seek.

Review policies and procedures regarding excessive force and make necessary changes;

Review policies and procedures regarding “probable cause” stops, and make necessary recommended changes;

Fight for a Citizen review board with Subpoena Power;

Fight for an Independent Review by outside agency for any allegations of excessive force.

17. Communities of color represent an overwhelming majority of individuals whose jobs are considered essential during the COVID-19 pandemic. Briefly describe your plans to protect essential workers and their families from the health and economic effects of the pandemic.

Take a firm stand that the employers of those deemed essential workers are required to have the equipment deemed by experts for their safety and protection;

Fight for “hazard pay” and Health Care Cover for those essential workers.

For more information about the candidates:

Jacquelyn McMiller

Kevin Anderson

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