Celebrate Queer Youth this Pride Month with Queer & Now: Your Guide to Pride

We’re excited to officially launch Queer & Now, a comprehensive resource for you to work with and support LGBTQ youth this Pride Month. Queer stories are young people’s stories, and we need to make sure queer people are reflected in history, health care, reproductive health and rights, and sex education. We’re queering it all!

Sign up to receive the Queer & Now Pride Month Toolkit so you can celebrate and support queer young people alongside Advocates for Youth this month. The toolkit is a true rainbow of resources, including:

  • Actions to take this month to support LGBTQ youth
  • Movies and documentaries to watch - with a particular focus on positive portrayals and happy storylines.
  • LGBTQ themed podcasts and podcast episodes
  • Suggested social media to share, including graphics and videos celebrating Queer youth
  • Resources, images, sample social media, and publications to support you in amplifying the voices and experiences of LGBTQ youth—this month, and every month!

Sign up to receive the toolkit via email!

For over 50 years, June has marked Pride Month, originating from the 1969 Stonewall Riots, a resistance movement against police brutality on LGBTQ+ people. We celebrate Pride to honor those who dedicated their lives to pave the way for queer people to unapologetically be themselves. Pride month is a celebration, and until we are all free from oppression, Pride month is also an act of resistance!

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