CHEF PLEDGE to #86Frankenfish: Boycott Genetically Engineered Salmon #BlockCorporateSalmon
AquaBounty Technologies (AQB) has created a genetically engineered (GE) species of "salmon" approved by the FDA for human consumption. This new lab-made transgenic animal contains the DNA of a Chinook Salmon and an eel-like Ocean Pout placed within an Atlantic Salmon creating an unnatural combination that would never occur in nature. In November 2020, the US District Court for the Northern District of California ruled in favor of Tribes and environmental groups declaring the approval of genetically engineered salmon unlawful, based on several environmental law violations. However, the ruling does not prevent GE salmon from being sold in the US in the meantime while environmental reviews are underway. As of May 2021, AquaBounty claims it has begun the first harvest of their GE salmon for the U.S. market, even in the face of major public opposition and lack of consent by Indigenous people and consumers. AquaBounty may be selling their GE salmon to restaurants or food service companies where labels on menus are not required. AquaBounty wants you to believe that they are offering a sustainable solution to feeding the world, however these facilities require huge amounts of energy, water, and other unsustainable inputs to operate, including relying on industrially grown GE soy fish feed that contributes to deforestation and ecosystem degradation. AquaBounty aims to expand globally; their GE salmon has recently been approved for sale in Brazil, and they are establishing projects with Argentina, China, & Israel. The approval of this first-of-its-kind genetically engineered animal species is a historical moment that will set a precedent for future approval attempts and regulation of novel GE species.
AquaBounty’s genetically engineered salmon are NOT a solution to the future of the food system. We must act now to #BoycottGMOSalmon and #Protect&RestoreWildSalmon!
Chef Pledge to #86Frankenfish:
"As chefs, we ensure we cook with ingredients and products that are not only healthy, but support a sustainable world.
We pledge to keep genetically engineered (GE) seafood, including genetically engineered salmon, off our menus, plates, and purchasing orders.
Scientific evidence shows that GE salmon may pose serious consequences to the environment and native fish, including the potential extinction of specific fish species. And there are inadequate scientific studies evaluating the human health risks of eating GE fish. In November 2020, the US District Court for the Northern District of California declared the approval of genetically engineered salmon unlawful, based on several environmental law violations. Therefore, preventative measures to address potential risks to the public and the environment are important. It is our responsibility to offer consumers the highest quality and most sustainable seafood from local, community-based fisherfolk.
We join more than 80 food retailers that have made commitments to not sell AquaBounty’s genetically engineered AquAdvantage® salmon, including major food service operators Aramark, Compass Group, and Sodexo and the largest U.S. grocery retailers.
By signing this pledge, we are making a commitment to not knowingly purchase nor sell genetically engineered salmon or other GE seafood.
As trusted voices in the food world, it is critical that as chefs we raise attention to this issue and help ensure a future with truly sustainable seafood that will nourish our communities for generations to come."
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For more information about the #BlockCorporateSalmon Campaign:
Instagram: @BlockCorporateSalmon
Twitter: @BlockCorpSalmon
#86Frankenfish #BoycottGMOSalmon #KeepFishIndigenous #ByeAquaBounty