City of Mississauga: Implement Robust Green Development Standards!

Green Development Standards are a suite of municipal planning actions, which include everything from active transportation measures to energy efficiency policies. GDS benefit our homes, our communities, and our wallets — they create homes that are more resilient to climate impacts, reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our community, and lower the cost of our energy bills. It’s a win-win-win!

We, the undersigned, demand that our Mississauga City Council demonstrate climate leadership by implementing robust revised green development standards (GDS) that will make new buildings in our community more energy efficient.  

These new green development standards should be guided by the following principles:

  • Net zero by 2030: To ensure that Mississauga reaches our goal to reduce emissions by 80% by 2050, we need all our new residential and commercial buildings to be net zero by 2030

  • Clear timeline: The standards should operate on a tiered approach, getting stricter over time based on a predictable and easy-to-understand roadmap. Each tier should become mandatory, so that all developers have to follow the same rules.

  • Aligned with our neighbors: Our standards need to align with other communities around us so that we don’t get left behind, even as our standards reflect the unique needs of our community

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