Clean Air's Membership Orientation Meeting

Two weeks from today, Monday June 24th, from 5:30 pm to 7 pm Clean Air will be having our first New Member Orientation Meeting! Clean Air is looking to connect with our new and interested members to discuss our mission and membership values. This meeting will be taking place at our office located at 371 Delaware Ave., Buffalo NY, 14202. Another email will be sent closer to the meeting date with more information.

During our meeting, you will hear from staff and board members, where we will spend some time going over our membership handbook and our membership goals. There will also be an ample amount of time for attendees to ask any questions they may have about the organization or how to get involved. We will also be discussing the resurrection of our Membership Team which we will be working to build over the next few weeks.

If you would like to register for the New Membership Orientation Meeting, you can do so here. Feel free to register for this meeting if you are interested in becoming a member, you have recently become a member, or if you have been a member for sometime but would like the opportunity to learn more about Clean Air and/or how you can get involved. If you are interested in joining our Membership Team, please email me at
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Buffalo, New York
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