Climate Education: Take action

'Climate Justice Now' Banner at climate march

The Climate Crisis in the UK and globally is happening now.

UCU and SOS-UK, through Mock COP, have collaborated on this short film to share testimonials from educators and activists highlighting the challenges already being faced for delivering education through times of extreme weather events caused by the climate crisis. We are mobilising the education workforce and learners to call for education that delivers on climate justice operationally and in terms of what is being learnt.

Students and pupils are already being hit by the climate crisis in terms of school closures during times of extreme flooding, heat and other extreme weather events.
  • School closures

  • Challenges travelling to education institutions

  • Curricula out of date and encouraging continued contribution to high carbon economic systems

This is occurring in the UK and internationally. We need to ensure our education system is not contributing to the climate crisis by ensuring our education estate is environmentally and ecologically positive, as well as equipping learners to deliver on climate crisis as a result of what and how they learn.


Sign the pledge to take 5 ACTION steps for climate education:

If you work in education by signing the pledge you agree to:

If you are a student, complete the form pledging to take action in 1 or more of the following campaigns:

Information captured in this pledge form will be held for 1 year by SOS-UK and UCU, and only used for the purpose of issues related to issues related to mobilising students and education staff to take action on the climate and ecological emergency.

Thank you - in solidarity for climate justice!