Climate Endgame - Melbourne: Register

If you knew that a particular protest event about the climate emergency was going to be big - would you be there?

If yes -> sign up for this.

This is our plan for large scale, sustained civil disobedience. And - it will only go ahead once we have the numbers for it - we won't name the dates until 100,000 people are in (for Melbourne).

If you intend to be a part of this, register your interest now.

If you'd like more details - read on.

1. Why is it called endgame?

There are two possible climate endgames:

A. Current trajectory - we pass tipping points and head for societal collapse.

B. We change course - Our power grows, government meets our demands, and we have a chance at averting worst-case disaster.  

We choose B.

2. What is the plan?

This is a plan for mass civil disobedience on the streets of Melbourne, every single day for a month.

Daily numbers of people will vary - recent success in the Netherlands saw a few hundred people on some days, and over 20,000 on others.   The important thing is that the pressure remains every single day.

In Melbourne, we won't begin until there are 100,000 of us in total.

3. Who do we count in the 100,000 people?

If we relied on 100,000 digital RSVPs, it would be anyone's guess how many would be there.  That is why there are two steps to be counted toward the 100,000:

Step 1. Register your interest.
That's this form. Easy. Sign it right now.

Step 2. Attend an interim event (talk / training / action).
This step confirms that you are a real life person. See here for options.  

Once we have 100,000 people who have done both steps, we'll hit go.

4. What happens when we hit go?
We will give at least 2 months notice of the start date, and start coordinating how we spread our effort out. (I.e. each person will sign up for the specific days / times that they can manage)

5. What happens in the meantime?

We won't expect anything of you in the meantime.  You are, however, always encouraged to join our community as we resist climate inaction and build the size of the movement. See here for upcoming events.

6. Do I need to be willing to be arrested to participate?
No. Lots of roles in Extinction Rebellion do not involve risking arrest.

7. What does mass civil disobedience on the streets of Melbourne actually look like?

Sign up to an intro talk or non-violent direct action training and we can talk about that. But in short, you will be part of a large crowd of people. We will take up space in the city, which disrupts business-as-usual and puts economic pressure on government.

Each consecutive day increases pressure exponentially until government is forced to act.

8. How long will it take to get 100,000 people?

Melbourne has already had over 100,000 people at a single climate protest event, so we know the people exist.   It could take years to get these numbers again, OR we could get there in a matter of days (invite your friends).

9. What if a month on the streets is not long enough to win?

A month of continuous civil disobedience is a big deal. There is no guarantee, but it gives us a very strong chance to either win, or to inspire others to join so we can sustain for week 5, week 6, and so on. We want to continue until we win our demands.  

Any questions - get in touch! email: