Climate Platform Resolution

To avoid the most catastrophic climate impacts, we must cut emissions by 60% below 2006 levels by 2030 and reach net-zero emissions by mid-century. This means bold decarbonization policies in the top-emitting sectors - transportation, electricity, and direct fuel use in residential, commercial, and industrial (RCI) buildings. Therefore, the undersigned Maryland organizations, businesses, and individuals support the 2022 Climate Platform. Please take a moment to add your name to the following resolution.
**NOTE, this form is for private individuals. If you represent an organization, it is best that you fill out the form here instead.**_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- Set Bold Emission Reduction Goals
- Commit to an Action Plan to Meet Goals
- Embed Equity and Justice into Every Step
- Lead by example through truck and school bus electrification
- Ensure equity analyses guide public transportation policy by passing the Transportation Equity Act
- Support MTA workers by passing the Zero Emission Bus Transition Act
- Require MDOT to publish projected carbon emissions for all major projects in the Consolidated Transportation Program
- Study the creation of a Baltimore Regional Transportation Authority
- Pass a Building Emissions Performance Standard that prioritizes electrification
- By 2023: Require new construction to be all-electric
- Set energy savings goals for low-income households
- Build energy-efficient K-12 schools
- Require the University System of Maryland colleges and universities to be net-zero by 2035 and zero carbon by 2055
- Disallow use of state matching funds for installation of fossil fuel energy systems in new and existing buildings
- Invest in an equitable and clean electricity grid by passing the GRID Act
- Connect low and moderate-income consumers to solar energy by passing tax incentives
- Include Justice 40 language in all allocation of federal and state monies
- Give greater voice to the environmental justice community in the implementation of these goals.
View the full 2022 Climate Goals here.
If you’re interested in helping pass climate change legislation, please sign up at: