Co-sign the letter to President Biden: Phase out federal fossil fuels on federal lands and waters!

The climate crisis is here now and causing widespread death and destruction. Wildfires and smoke are poisoning our air and forcing people to evacuate. Stronger hurricanes and extreme weather are devastating communities.

The science is abundantly clear: it is time to stop fossil fuel expansion and begin phasing out fossil fuels.

As the world’s top producer of the oil and gas that are driving this crisis, the United States has a particular responsibility to act.

But President Biden has approved a disastrous onslaught of new fossil fuel projects.

After the hottest summer on record, millions of people just protested around the world calling on leaders like President Biden to take urgent action by ending the fossil fuel production driving the climate crisis.

Reps. Pramila Jayapal and Rashida Tlaib just led 31 of their colleagues in a letter to President Biden urging him to phase out federal fossil fuel production on federal lands and waters by 2030.

Almost a quarter of our country’s greenhouse gas emissions come from federal public lands, so Biden’s swift action on this issue would make a huge difference.

Co-sign the letter to President Biden: Phase out federal fossil fuel production on federal lands and waters! We are at a critical moment in history, and we have no time to wait.