Commit to Attend Faculty Salary Focus Group Sessions

The CSU has hired Mercer Consulting to conduct a faculty salary study, similar to one recently completed for non-faculty employees.

This salary study is an important opportunity for CFA faculty members to communicate their concerns with our broken salary system. We need strong member participation to send a message to the administration that appropriate and fair faculty compensation needs to be a top budget priority for the CSU. Our participation in this study will also demonstrate our collective commitment to improving our salary situation when it comes to our forthcoming contract re-openers.

The focus group sessions will be facilitated by Mercer Consulting. Your participation will be 100% anonymous, and feedback during the sessions will be collected through a variety of multiple choice and open-ended questions.

Faculty members have the opportunity to participate in any one of the several sessions being offered. The sessions will take approximately 60 minutes.


  • Friday, November 4, 2022 PM for Coach, Counselor, and Librarian Faculty | 3:00-4:00 pm
  • Monday, November 7, 2022 PM for Instructional Faculty | 2:00-3:00 pm
  • Tuesday, November 8, 2022 AM for Instructional Faculty | 4:00-5:00 pm
  • Wednesday, November 9, 2022 AM for Instructional Faculty | 10:00-11:00 am
  • Thursday, November 10, 2022 PM for Instructional Faculty | 10:00-11:00 am
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