Commit to Participate in PWN's 2024 Celebrate & Honor Black Women in the HIV Movement Day

PWN will be hosting our fourth annual Celebrate and Honor Black Women in the HIV Movement Day on August 18, 2024. We ask you to join us in the following:

  1. Promote and participate in PWN-led CHBW activities and uplift the day throughout your own organization and networks. Post and share the CHBW logo, graphics and hashtags on social media and your organization’s website. Organizations may also highlight and feature Black women staff bios, pictures and quotes, and contributions to the organization to celebrate Black women staff.

  2. Commit to acknowledging CHBW on August 18th annually within your organizations. Celebrate Black women staff with a paid day off or other forms of appreciation, and also consider holding your own CHBW event.

  3. Increase the leadership of Black women within your own organizations by providing professional development and career advancement opportunities, and take concrete action to ensure that Black women are included in all decision-making and leadership roles.

  4. Honor the expertise and contribution of Black women working for and volunteering with your organization, including equitable pay, creating safe spaces within the organization for Black women, and by committing to ask what they need to show up as their full selves each day.

  5. Support at least one Black woman-led organization in the next year with funding, donation, providing an in-kind service or collaborating.

  6. Demand a domestic HIV response that centers the needs and leadership of Black transgender and cisgender women, including but not limited to a federal policy agenda that elevates the priorities of Black women living with HIV, centers the lived experiences of Black women in all policy, program, service or funding decision that impacts Black women.

We ask all organizations to sign the pledge to support CHBW and identify at least one concrete action your organization will take to uplift at least one of the principles of CHBW:


Sign up here to commit to participating in Celebrate and Honor Black Women in the HIV Movement Day.

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