Commitment Form | Last Generation Winter Recruitment | Actions start in Ottawa: February 3rd

We are asking you to do something meaningful and big for the climate and our future. Are you ready for it?

Change only takes place when people are willing to sacrifice, whether it's sacrificing their time, their liberty, or their money.

This winter, we are engaging in civil disobedience in Ottawa starting on February 3rd. For this, we need:

  1. Individuals committed to going to Ottawa and engaging in civil resistance!
  2. Donations to help pay for recruitment and legal expenses!
  3. Individuals willing to help with recruitment.
  4. Individuals willing to help with arrest support in Ottawa.

These are the 4 pillars that make a successful mobilization to create nation-wide change.

If you are willing to do what it takes, please sign up for one of the 4 actions!

Attend a TALK if you haven't already.

We need your help!


Social Media: Website | Instagram | Twitter |Facebook



Our Demands:

  • A National Firefighting Agency that trains and employs 50,000 full-time professional firefighters by 2024, and
  • A legally binding citizens' assembly of ordinary people to guide Canada's response to the climate and ecological crisis

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