Ready to Resist: How to Save ACA & Stop the Muslim Ban 2.0

The  "Ready to Resist" call on Sunday, March 12 will begin on this page at 8pm ET (7 CT/6 MT/5 PT) (and don't forget -- it's daylight savings!):

Sunday's call will be hosted by Amanda Johnson, National Digital Director at the Working Families Party.

We'll also be hearing from:

  • Ben Wikler, MoveOn's Washington Director, who will lay out the 18-day strategy to save health care for millions, including what each of us can do where we live,
  • Kelley Robinson, Organizing Director with Planned Parenthood, who will detail what's at stake if Republicans succeed in repealing the Affordable Care Act this month, and
  • Amaha Kassa, founder and Executive Director of African Communities Together, who will brief us on Trump's latest attempt at a Muslim Ban and how we can resist it.
  • Mark-Anthony Johnson, Director of Health and Wellness at Dignity and Power Now, will lead a training in sustaining the movement, sharing tips and tools for how we can care for ourselves and our communities.

Sign up on this page to let us know how you will get involved this week!

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