Dec. 19 - Day of Mennonite Action for a Ceasefire

Mennonite Action is calling for, and is prepared to support, a Day of Mennonite Action for a Ceasefire to be held across the US and Canada on the same day: Tuesday, December 19th.

On December 19th, Mennonites across Canada and the United States will hold demonstrations at their federal representatives offices. In Canada, that could be your local MP. In the US, that could be your senator or congressperson.

On December 19th, Mennonites across geography will unify into a singular, central call for Peace. It will show our political leaders, our fellow community members, and our Palestinian, Jewish, Arab and Muslim loved ones that there are Christians and Mennonites who stand with them in their call for peace and a ceasefire now.  

Mennonite Action will support you to organize your action. Your goal - as the person on the ground - is to organize Mennonites in your area to participate. We will be here to support you in doing this. If you have a million questions, if you're worried about all the things that could go wrong, if you’ve never done this before. Don’t worry. We've got your back and are going to help you hold a successful action.

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