Deliberating and Doing: How? (12.30pm, Friday 30th October)
Democracy is about who makes decisions, and how they make them. Radical reform to our democratic system is necessary, but not sufficient - we also need to develop and spread new processes, practices and people skills if democratisation is going to be sustainable and inclusive. We need to build capacity, give people spaces to practise the skills of collective deliberation and work out how they fit together with our current models of governance and institutions. Come and hear more from the frontline of deliberative democracy - on the promises and pitfalls of citizens’ assemblies, mini-publics and participatory budgeting. We’ll be joined by
- Stuart White - Professor of Politics, Oxford - about the plans for a constitutional convention
- Amy McDonnell - the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill - on how deliberation could help confront the climate crisis
- Sarah Allan - Involve - involved in Climate Assembly UK
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