Demand Action: Shut Down the Cruel Steer-Tailing Rodeo Event
URGENT: Rancho La Esperanza, a notorious underground rodeo operation, is hosting its annual ‘Coleadero’ event on March 30th, where competitive-crazed cowboys will run terrified animals into sheer exhaustion while violating and exploiting them during the barbaric practice of steer-tailing.
With no current governance or oversight by authorities or agencies, serious animal cruelty violations are being committed on thousands of cows and horses at these backyard ‘rodeo shows of horror.’ Cows are flipped and dragged to the ground, breaking their bones, ripping their skin, and causing extreme pain.
JOIN US: Shut Down Rancho La Esperanza’s vile annual steer-tailing expose.
Together, we can bring about change and justice for the victims tortured and abused every day for cheap thrills and entertainment.
Sign this critical petition, and we will send your name along with thousands of others to law enforcement and law-makers so that we can make a more significant impact on your behalf.