Demand CNN and Josh Kraushaar issue a retraction to correct their false reporting on Rep. Rashida Tlaib

CNN and journalist Josh Kraushaar are both spreading racist smears about Rep. Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinian-American in Congress. Both must immediately issue a retraction and apology for their false reporting.

These journalists are falsely claiming that Rep. Tlaib said that the office of Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel only filed charges against pro-Palestinian activists at the University of Michigan because Nessel is Jewish.[1] Kraushaar quietly altered his original false piece,[2] which helped kick off the smear campaign, by editing the word “claimed” to “suggested” but that does not make it any more accurate. It is simply a fabricated, baseless charge.

A fact check by the reporter whose work is being falsely used confirms that Tlaib never mentioned Nessel’s religion in her original comments.[3]

Tlaib simply argued that the charges against pro-Palestinian activists were inconsistent and arbitrary since Attorney General Nessel’s office has never filed charges against protesters opposed to other causes, including racism and police brutality, despite there being significantly more violence in some of those other protests. She also said the office faced pressure from the University of Michigan.[4] She never mentioned Nessel’s religion nor remotely suggested it played a role.

These smears are part of a campaign to silence any politician who speaks up for Palestinian lives. The National Review also published a slanderous political cartoon recently.

This smear campaign against Rep. Tlaib must end. CNN and Josh Kraushaar must stop spreading falsehoods about Tlaib.

Join us in demanding that CNN and Josh Kraushaar immediately issue a retraction and corrections for their false reporting on Rep. Rashida Tlaib.

Petition text: Tell CNN and Josh Kraushaar:

Immediately issue a retraction and apology for your false reporting on Rep. Rashida Tlaib!
