Demand Full Services be Kept at the Welland Hospital

To The Legislative Assembly of Ontario

WHEREAS the current Niagara Health System restructuring plan approved by the Ontario Ministry of Health includes removal of the emergency department and associated beds and ambulances service from the Welland Hospital site once the Niagara Falls site is complete, creating inequity of hospital and emergency service in the Niagara region and a significant negative impact on hospital and emergency outcomes for the citizens of Welland, Port Colborne and all Niagara;

Whereas the NHS is already experiencing a 9-1-1 crises in EMS, a shortage of beds and unacceptable offloading delays in its emergency departments across the region;

Whereas the population in the Welland Hospital catchment area is both aging and growing;

Whereas the Ontario Legislature passed a motion by Niagara Centre MPP Jeff Burch on April 13, 2022 to include a full emergency department and associated beds in the rebuild of the Welland Hospital;

Therefore be it resolved that we call on the Government of Ontario to work with the Ontario Ministry of Health and the Niagara Health System to implement Motion 47 to maintain the Welland Hospital Emergency Department and adjust its hospital plan accordingly.

Form by
Thorold, Canada