Democracy is Good for Business List-Serv

The Ohio Voter Rights Coalition (OVRC ) is launching a new and exciting project called Democracy is Good for Business (DGB). DGB engages Ohio business leaders in taking a stand in support of pro-democracy reforms and urges them to use their influence to prevent free and fair elections from being undermined!

We are currently recruiting canvass volunteers to visit local businesses to ask them to be listed as a DGB coalition member and to display a Democracy is Good for Business decal in their store window. Online training will be provided. Canvassing teams are essential because they grow a network of business leaders committed to protecting our freedom to vote.

Complete this sign up form to your right to be added to the email list and be notified of upcoming training opportunities. On behalf of the OVRC steering committee, thank you for your support!

-  All Voting is Local, Common Cause Ohio, League of Women Voters of Ohio, and Ohio Voice

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