Call Your Lawmakers to Co-Sponsor the Debt Free Future Act!

The deadline to get people to sign on is Friday, 2/1, at 5PM! We need as many co-sponsors as possible to create pressure for urgent action!
The tool to find your lawmakers' phone numbers and a call-in script are at the bottom of this page!
Public college students, workers, and alumni in Massachusetts continue to deal with budget cuts that drive up tuition and fees and force students in massive student debt. That’s why we’ve filed the Debt Free Future Act to make public colleges and universities free and build the most ambitious debt-free college program in the country.
Beacon Hill lawmakers are getting ready to debate whether we keeping forcing students and families into massive debt, or whether we make a systemic change to guarantee access to a college education for every person in our Commonwealth.
We’re calling on the Legislature to pass the Debt Free Future Act and demand justice for students who are trying to access the education they deserve without mortgaging their futures.
We need your help to send the Legislature a message. Please email and call your State Rep and State Senator and ask them to co-sponsor the Debt Free Future Act! Use this tool for emails, and click here to make a call now!
Right now, we have the power to make incredible change and ensure our Commonwealth prioritizes debt-free public colleges and universities for all students and families. Stand for all students and demand that we build a Debt Free Future!
We need you to pick up the phone and call your representative to demand that all of our students deserve a Debt Free Future!
Click here to find the phone number for your state representative. Make the call using the script below, and then fill out this form on the right side of this page to let us know whether or not they will commit to support our students and our schools.
Call-in Script
Hi my name is [INSERT NAME] and I am calling to ask Representative/Senator [INSERT REPRESENTATIVE/SENATOR'S NAME] to co-sponsor the Debt Free Future Act (SD1415/HD3113) to guarantee debt-free public higher education to every student and family in Massachusetts.
I am a resident of [INSERT CITY] and I attend [INSERT COLLEGE CAMPUS]. I have accumulated significant student debt, and my tuition and fees have gone up every year I’ve been in school. Many of my peers constantly worry if they will be able to afford to stay in school, and we all know we need a college education now more than ever. Please help us by guaranteeing debt-free public higher education for every Massachusetts resident.
I hope Representative/Senator [INSERT NAME] will co-sponsor this bill and ensure the House and Senate pass the Debt Free Future Act this year!