Sign on to tell Democratic party leaders and delegates: Adopt a party platform that reflects the priorities of our Democratic base -- including an arms embargo to stop the Israeli government’s war crimes.

Next week, Democratic leaders and delegates from all 50 states and U.S. territories will gather in Chicago for the 2024 Democratic National Convention. They’ll officially nominate the Democratic candidates for President and Vice President, adopt a party platform, host speakers such as past Democratic presidents, and demonstrate the Democratic party’s values to the American people.

Next week’s convention is a chance for Democratic party leaders to reconnect with our Democratic base around the country, who want to see more courage and urgency from the Democratic party.

The people who make up our Democratic base have been clear: They want to see a permanent ceasefire, an end to the funding of genocide in Gaza, and an arms embargo to stop the Israeli government’s war crimes. They want to see fair and humane immigration policies, not ones that vilify immigrants. They want to see a clear path to ending fossil fuel subsidies that continue to poison our air and water. They want affordable healthcare, housing, and education. They want us to fight against corporate greed, strengthen unions, and lift families out of the cycle of poverty.

While negotiating and voting on the Democratic party’s official platform next week, Democratic leaders and delegates should push to include an arms embargo and investments in working families. The platform should reflect the Democratic party’s promises as the party of the working class, and it should reflect a commitment to human rights -- including respecting international and U.S. laws that forbid aiding governments that are committing human rights violations.

As the top funder and weapons supplier for Israel’s military, our government has the needed leverage to stop the slaughter of Palestinians now. While claiming to support a ceasefire, the Biden administration just sent billions more U.S. taxpayer dollars to Israel’s military, as well as more bombs and even troops.

The Democratic party cannot claim to stand for democracy and freedom while supporting a government that’s committing apartheid and genocide.

In order to live up to our values as the party of the people and the working class, Democrats must divest from endless war and death -- and instead invest in life and in what our constituents need to thrive. When Democratic party delegates and leaders adopt an official party platform next week, they should call for investing in working families and prioritizing diplomacy and peace over the military industrial complex.

Sign on to tell Democratic party leaders and delegates: Use next week’s Democratic National Convention to show that you’re listening to the Democratic base, including by pushing for an arms embargo to stop the Israeli government’s war crimes.

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