Do you have language skills?

Can you speak or write in Mandarin, Arabic or another language? We need your help to reach out to communities of colour.

Politicians have used people of colour as political punching bags for too long. This is why Democracy in Colour is running a campaign targeting voters in marginal seats in NSW and Victoria for the Federal election in May. We are hitting the streets to campaign for a fairer Australia that considers people of colour in its policies and decision making.

We want to make sure that the voices of people of colour are heard. We will be talking to people, visiting communities, knocking on doors and making phone calls. To do this we need your help.

We'll be having conversations, creating information sheets, flyers and more, and we want to make sure that these reach as many people as possible - especially those in communities that politicians ignore.

It is time we hold political leaders to account for the things they do and say on race. Sign up to the campaign and keep informed on what we're doing. Join us and campaign for an Australia where the inherent worth and dignity of every person is recognised.

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