Download our 2024 Rural Roadmap toolkit!

ABOUT THIS TOOLKIT compiled this toolkit to equip rural organizers and campaigners with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the intricacies of rural communities and recommendations to effectively mobilize and engage rural voters in 2024.


This toolkit features recommendations and tips for:

  • rural communications strategies
  • assessing the old paradigms and making space for the new
  • speaking the language of rural voters
  • leveraging data for your campaigns
  • identifying local issues to inoculate against hypernationalization
  • tying federal progressive policies to local benefits
  • identifying local influencers in your region and small-town
  • running a yard sign campaign


If you're running a campaign in a rural area,, our sister organization, seeks to be a resource. If you'd like to set up a 1:1 or request a presentation, please email our campaigns team at

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