Download The Build Power: Tool Integration Guide

Learn how the use the new Action Network and Action Builder integration to get the best of both your mobilizing and organizing efforts.

At Action Network, we’ve always known that mobilizing folks through email, text message and viral digital tactics ideally goes hand in hand with building power and structure in person and on the ground. A person signing a petition is good, a person sharing that petition with their friends is better, but a person plugging into your organization and working with their neighbors and community to effect change is best.

That ideal outcome can sound really hard. How do you build structure with limited staff and limited time? How do you ensure all your data flows where it needs to go to be effective? Our Action Network & Action Builder integration is all about making it easier than ever to build a program with breadth *and* depth.

The all new Build Power Guide is designed to get you started. Download your free guide and learn how you can use these tools in tandem to power your progressive program.

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