Driver's Licenses National Support Network

Driving without a license is one of the main risk that puts undocumented immigrants in the criminal justice system. Drivers licenses give the undocumented community the basic ability to drive without fear. We drive to work, to bring our children to school, and to doctors appointments.

That is why we are asking you to be a part of the Driver’s Licenses National Support Network as a project of Movimiento Cosecha. Together, we can provide support for groups and individuals interested or currently working on local and statewide campaigns with the purpose of expanding access to Driver’s Licenses for undocumented immigrants

What type of support does this network provide?

  • As a support network, we are committed to supporting anyone who is interested in working on local and statewide campaigns with the purpose of expanding access to Driver’s Licenses for undocumented immigrants. You do not have to be a part of Movimiento Cosecha to receive support!

  • We value collective learning and want to create a space where folks who are running local and statewide Driver’s Licenses Campaigns can connect so that we can:

    • Share our learnings, best practices, big questions and common concerns

    • Promote creativity and innovation for our campaigns

    • Identify and fill gaps that occur as our campaigns take shape

  • We also want to connect the local and statewide Driver’s Licenses Campaigns with a national framework so that we can go from licenses for all to papers for all! Licencias hoy, papeles mañana

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