A DeKalb Environmental Justice Commission

Commissioner Terry has introduced a resolution to create a DeKalb Environmental Justice Commission. A citizen advisory board that will elevate Environmental Justice concerns and prioritize action towards healing our planet and people.

The responsibilities of the proposed DeKalb Environmental Commission include:

  • Holding organizational meetings and public hearings
  • Preparing budget considerations
  • Preparing model legislation for consideration
  • Monitoring progress and making recommendations towards DeKalb County’s current environmental efforts (such as the Consent Decree and Clean Energy Plan)
  • Providing quarterly updates
  • Coordinate and communicate with the DeKalb Board of Commissioners
  • Conduct scientific analyses and generate comprehensive reports on the state of environmental justice in DeKalb County

Click here to read the full Resolution. This item has been proposed and is still being discussed by the Board of Commissioners.

We need to hear from you now to ensure this resident led Environmental Justice Commission prioritizes DeKalb County's needs.

"DeKalb County residents have voiced their concerns to me loud and clear: they need to be at the heart of the decisions that affect their environment and health. The DeKalb Environmental Justice Commission will provide for collaboration, transparency and ensure accountability to those we serve so that we can create a more equitable and sustainable future for all of DeKalb County."

- Commissioner Ted Terry

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