End pork barrelling. Back Helen Haines' Bill.

Dear Prime Minister,

We know when we’re getting pork barrelled.

It’s happened time and time again. Sports rorts, carparks rorts and hospital rorts. Pork barrelling wastes public money and destroys trust in Government.

When major party politicians fly in to buy our votes, it lacks integrity and we’re sick of it.

More than 80% of Australians consider it as corruption.

Independent Federal Member for Indi Helen Haines’ End Pork Barrelling Bill will ensure fairness, transparency and accountability is front and centre when grant funding is being awarded.

This Bill would ensure Parliament, and the public, will know how funding decisions are made, and why funding was awarded.

Restoring public trust was a key plank of your election platform. Ending pork barrelling is critical to that reform agenda

We support Helen Haines’ Bill to clean up Government spending and we urge you to back the Bill.

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