Join the fight against poverty!

A photo of a homeless man with the text "Support the European Basic Income!"

Europe stands at a crossroads. Amidst unprecedented social and economic challenges, 1 in 5 Europeans are at risk of being unable to afford basic necessities like food, rent or electricity. We cannot let this happen!

A European Basic Income can provide a safety net for all Europeans but also empower individuals to escape the cycle of poverty.

Why the European Basic Income?

The EBI is more than a policy; it's a vision for a truly European Social Union that supports citizens directly. Modelled on a negative tax system, it guarantees that those earning below a certain threshold receive a financial boost, instead of facing tax burdens.

With this initiative, we can guarantee support for the most vulnerable, ensure dignified living standards whether you live in Portugal or Germany and build a more mobile and truly European labour market.

Sign this petition - and help us fight poverty all over Europe.

By signing this petition, you are taking a stand for a more inclusive, equitable, and resilient Europe. Together, we can pave the way for a policy that not only addresses current social and economic disparities but also lays the groundwork for a thriving, united European future.

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