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Ethical eating is not mere theory, but is both practical & Spiritual. Besides a plant-based diet helping to purify us, & eliminate toxins & deficiencies, it also indirectly resolves many other problems on Earth, including global warming, pollution, diseases, drought, food poisoning, mass starvation & death, wars, etc., saving the lives of millions of humans & billions of animals. All thinking, feeling people, can understand the sense in making beneficial changes to their diet.

“Meat is Murder!” – Morrisey

“Thou Shalt Not Kill” is the Commandment

All life is Sacred! Also, abstinence from flesh-eating allows the Kundalini to rise, whereas meat-eating drags the Kundalini down. It is known that flesh eating blocks the light from the Soul. Plant vibrations are higher & finer than those of flesh. All these great benefits can derive simply from not doing something which is harmful & counterproductive (i.e. through abstaining), which, while being vitally important, requires much less effort, than taking practical Spiritual Action, being essential Service, the cornerstone of all religions.

“First, do no harm” - Hippocrates

“There is only one religion, though there are a hundred versions of it” - George Bernard Shaw

As consumers, adopting a healthy plant-based diet, allows us, for once, to gain control over big industry & governments, through supply & demand, so it is an extremely important act of Service on every level. The whole consciousness of the planet, plus our individual & collective Karma, will change enormously when we stop killing & causing pain & mass suffering to billions of animals every year, & consequently to all other lifestreams, including the Hierarchy. Such a beneficial change in lifestyle, which is a simple & compassionate one, will also relieve our conscience & lift a great weight from us.

“The eating of meat extinguishes the seed of great compassion” - The Buddha (c. 563 – 483BC)

Buddha, Krishna and Jesus etc work as one united team for all life on Earth

“A vegetarian diet is the acid test of humanitarianism” - Leo Tolstoy

Human & animal genes are being crossed to produce embryos. Virus, human, fungus, plant, bacteria, & animal genes are also being crossed – virtually unopposed. Millions of animals undergo vile vivisection (i.e. painful experiments on living animals) mostly without anaesthetic, & babies are also being used in experiments in hospitals or in secret laboratories – virtually unopposed.

“Faith is not enough – we must act on our faith. Inner healing is not enough, we must heal our world. Spiritual practise is not enough, We must have the courage to stand up against injustice” - Riane Eisler

“In the arts of life, man invents nothing; But in the arts of death, he outdoes Nature Herself, and produces by chemistry and machinery, all the slaughter of plague, pestilence, and famine” - George Bernard Shaw (1856 – 1950)

All these animal experiments are, of course, as scientifically useless, as they are cruel & immoral. Because of species differences, vivisection has caused the suffering & deaths of millions of people, with the motive being profit for the extremely rich drugs industry. The more we experiment on animals, the less we know about human health. Research results are routinely falsified.

Vivisectors and the rich drugs industry continuously suppress safe, effective, natural cures for diseases.

The Beatles were all vegetarian

“Vivisection is the blackest of all the black crimes that man is, at present, committing against God and His Fair Creation” - Gandhi

Obviously, “black crimes” means black magic! - all which creates bad conditions on Earth & further negative Karma. Animals & babies are often regarded by so-called doctors & scientists as experimental objects & lucrative sources of income, who have no sensitivity to pain, no intelligence, feelings, rights, or a voice. This is evil greed & selfish denial, rooted in egotism. Both animals & babies, have compassion, a nervous system which feels pain, a Soul, & a Spiritual right to a life free from suffering, pain & torment. They are not here to be tortured, killed or exploited in any way, but are here to live life for their own purposes.

“Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment”

“You can judge the character of a society by how it treats its animals” - Gandhi

All lifestreams are learning, evolving Souls, returning to Godhead, and are equal at the level of Spirit, and must, through humility, be respected as Creations of the Almighty. If we truly love & respect God, then we will also love & respect all of His Creation.

“The Soul is the same in all living creatures, although the body of each is different” - Hippocrates

Animals use more of their potential than humans do, & often demonstrate more intelligence, memory & learning abilities, mental & physical speed & agility, psychic abilities, love, strength, respect, determination, enthusiasm, humour, selflessness, sensitivity, bravery, Spirituality, healing qualities, self-control, obedience to God, & attunement to the devic kingdom & angels; even sacrificing their own life to save a predatory species – humanoids. Humans can learn so much from animals. What do most humans teach?

Young children can also have some of the above qualities shown by animals, even though neither has ever studied any books on morality, Spirituality, or advanced metaphysics. Both animals & children often put adult humans to shame. Babies, children & animals are all defenceless, innocent, & in need of our love & protection.

Since the Spiritual Beings, who we are alien to, & who are millions of lives more advanced than us, give Service to ourselves as backward humans & to all lifestreams, we too should find the compassion to protect the babies & animals upon our own Planet.

Leonard Nimoy and Spock were vegan - a logical choice!

“A Shaman revealed that animals will be arriving more and more in the lives of humans – in dreams, as guides, in the news, everywhere – because they realise that humans are in trouble and need the message they are here to tell”

So-called respected ‘doctors’ & ‘scientists’, are carrying out all the above atrocities in our name, & are also indirectly causing us to suffer, including Karmically, if we allow all this to happen. If we can’t love & protect innocent animals, babies & children, how can we help anyone else or call ourselves civilised or Spiritual. Not until we extend the circle of our compassion to include all lifestreams, will we ourselves know peace.

“Compassion, in which all ethics must take root, can only attain its full breadth and depth if it embraces all living creatures and does not limit itself to mankind” -Dr. Albert Schweitzer

“People who shut their eyes to reality, simply invite their own destruction” - James Baldwin

“When you’re one step ahead of the crowd, you’re a genius. When you’re two steps ahead, you’re a crackpot”

Saint Francis, who lived to about 250 years old, and communicated with animals, instructed his disciples (disciplined ones) to: “Go out and teach; use words if necessary”

“If we don’t do the impossible, we will be faced with the unthinkable” - Petra Kelly - 1947 - 1992 - Founder of the German Green Party.

“Speculating upon the ignorance & suffering of countless people, their constant fear of pain & disease, & with the help of the mass-media, this pseudo-science has created the illusion that she wields mysterious powers on which mankind’s salvation depends. So the people of the western hemisphere have prostrated themselves in awe & servility at her feet, imagining her as an almighty goddess of peerless beauty, shining gold & brocades, to whom common mortals may not even raise their eyes, lest they be blinded. But if they dared do so, they would discover that their empress hasn’t a stitch on & is gruesome to behold” - From “Slaughter of the Innocent” by Hans Ruesch (historian, anti-vivisectionist).

The Suffering

Animals are poisoned to death in ‘safety tests’ which cause human suffering & death on an enormous scale, & are carried out for the motives of profit & sadism only. In disease research, they are surgically mutilated, blinded, burnt, starved, psychologically tormented & infected with lethal viruses. Yet even our closest genetic relative, the chimpanzee, is unharmed by a range of illnesses that devastate people. Humans are not helped, but are harmed by barbaric vivisection.

Some people selfishly & incorrectly believe that if one animal is tortured & killed, it will help millions of humans, but the fact is that billions of animals are tortured to death, leading to millions of human deaths.

We cannot transfer our own pain & suffering (which is caused through our own negative Karma) onto another living being just because it cannot speak for itself or defend itself; this is the worst form of bullying & cowardice.

Spiritual Healing & alternative medicine works, is safe, effective & natural, & therefore does not need to be tested on animals or humans. If anyone is really interested in true healing, they would be using alternatives.

The use of alternatives, in itself, would form the basis of research, & would prevent much disease & greatly relieve suffering & death. The mass suffering & death of animals & humans, caused by painful vivisection, creates further negative Karma, & suffering for selfish, backward mankind.

The Scale

The UK conducts about three million experiments every year – more than any other EU country. Many of these so-called ‘procedures’ are funded by taxpayers. Only the USA & Japan are thought to top the UK’s shameful tally.

There is no law that says drugs or other products have to be tested on animals, but just that they have to be tested in some way. Animal tests only prove how backward humans are - morally, scientifically & Spiritually. We do, however, have practical proof of how dangerous drugs & vaccines are, & how safe & effective natural remedies are. Many philosophers have stated: While ever there are slaughterhouses & vivisection laboratories, there will be wars! If we respect & love animals & all lifestreams, then we are respecting & loving the Creator.

“Cruelty to animals is not only a stupid act, but an insult to God”
Sir Isaac Newton

"If you are a Christian, then live the Laws as laid down by Jesus. If you are a Buddhist, live the Laws as laid down by Buddha. If you are a Hindu, then be the best Hindu. This procedure is the one true Way for men of Earth to save themselves from their lower aspects"

“Only when the last tree has died, the last river has been poisoned, and the last fish has been caught, will we realise that we cannot eat money” - Cree Indian

The enormous monstrous materialistic machine is running out of control, and we cannot stop it unless we are willing to make immediate and radical inner and outer changes. 100,000 species are going extinct annually due to man’s unnecessary pollution. This is criminal! Since “Money is the root of all evil”, either close down banks, destroy all money, or control the market through what you do and don’t buy. It has been forecast that banks will close down eventually anyway. We can live without money, but not without food, clean air and water, or a planet. Blinded by greed, jealousy, ego, guilt, fear, power, and control, govts and businesses won’t change, so consumers en masse have to create changes. We can control the market through boycotting e.g. electricity from nuclear and fracking, and instead support ethical green energy suppliers. Support and promote green companies.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete” - Buckminster Fuller

Boycott animal death and cruelty through choosing to go vegan. Eating animal products destroys the environment and the Holy Mother Earth, and causes pollution of air, water, and soil, flood, drought, mass starvation, mass extinction, global warming, mass suffering and death of animals, humans, and all life. Also boycott companies who vivisect animals.

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself” - Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy

It is precisely human’s heartless attitude and lack of respect towards animals, nature, the Holy Mother Earth, and all life, that has led to the collapse of the delicate web of nature, mass extinction, human suffering, the real possibility of global mass starvation sooner than we think, etc, and the plundering of resources which are now running out. When we inflict suffering on animals etc, we must reap what we sow.

We have so many alternative possibilities: solar and wind power, veganism, water powered cars and homes, etc. Nikola Tesla invented radio, AC electricity, water powered cars, and hundreds of other inventions, and he was a vegetarian who gave us vast spiritual and scientific knowledge, including a way to communicate with the advanced life on other planets whose help we now desperately need.

We have been told for millennia that all life is One, and that all life is sacred, and the terrible conditions that we have now created on Earth are forcing us to re-examine the ancient and modern wisdom and advice that we have previously ignored, to the detriment of all life.

We have more than enough scientific and spiritual knowledge to solve every problem on earth IF we want to. This will take the global cooperation of all ordinary people, not politicians, scientists, and corporations, combined, who have caused, through greed, all the problems in the first place.  

See “The Age of Stupid” film.

A Prayer for Compassion - 2018 - Trailer. This new film features vegan teachers who follow various Spiritual Paths, and it is awakening people from many different faiths. Respect for all life is the key. Humans never did put their heart into the Teachings or take them very seriously, thereby disrespecting their Spiritual Teachers. Now we have mass extinction. We also have great opportunities for change and advancement. If not now when? If not you, who?

“The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried” - Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874 – 1936)

“To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless” - Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874 – 1936)

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