Expression of interest in Tangata Tiriti justice team

Christian clergy holding a banner that reads 'Love Thy Neighbour, Honour Te Tiriti'
David Cook

Following the momentum from organising Christians to rally in support of co-governance and oppose the 'stop co-governance' tour, as well as seeing the election results and what that may mean for attacks on the progress made towards Tiriti justice so far (e.g. disestablishing Māori wards, or Act's proposed referendum on Te Tiriti), the Church cannot sit on the sidelines in the coming years.

Māori Christians are carrying a lot of the burden of bringing the rest of the church along on the journey, as well as speaking up and defending their rights. Having a tangata Tiriti Christian group that can be visible in support of Te Tiriti justice (to speak both to the rest of the Church, and the wider public), and channel the energy of existing tangata Tiriti Christians who want to do something in this space beyond learning history or learning te reo is needed.

We're aware there are other great groups out there doing education or organising their own communities, such as Tauiwi mō Matike Mai, Tauiwi Tautoko, and Asians Supporting Tino Rangatiratanga, but feel that having a group distinctly Christian AND activist in nature may be called for in this moment.

We’re exploring starting two Tangata Tiriti campaign teams that may be:

  • predominantly tangata Tiriti Christians, in relationship with tangata whenua (though tangata whenua are welcome to join the groups directly, the groups will seek to establish more formal advice and accountability processes to tangata whenua)

  • helping Tangata Tiriti Christians to organise their own communities in support of tino rangatiratanga

  • e.g. in response to the incoming government seeking to erode Treaty rights

Co-facilitators will be sought from among those expressing interest in being part of such a group, with a view to having one pākehā facilitator and one tauiwi of the global majority facilitator in each group. Our vision is for these groups to be safe and supportive spaces for all of their members, whether they are tangata whenua, tauiwi of the global majority or Pākehā.

These groups and the co-facilitators would be supported, guided by and ultimately responsible to the Common Grace Aotearoa co-Directors.

Common Grace Aotearoa reserves the right to say no to folks joining based on the current capacity and dynamics of the groups. You may be instead be invited to be in the wider network of people ready to act in response to the campaign teams’ organising and calls to action.