Tell Texas Legislators: Give Workers A Fair Shot!

The Texas AFL-CIO has a Fair Shot Agenda for Texas Legislators.

COVID-19 hit Texas working families like a punch to the gut in 2020. Tragically, tens of thousands of loved ones died from the airborne disease and many more suffered. The pandemic fully exposed the poor state of worker safety and job security in our state.

Millions of Texas working people lost their jobs or faced unprecedented risks to their health to keep working. “Essential workers” facing new danger from the virus included nurses, grocery workers, immigrant meat-packers and farm workers, communications workers, correctional officers, First Responders, federal, state and local public employees, and others. Among unions, the International Association of Theatrical Stage Employees was the first to feel the sting of mass layoffs, followed by unions representing flight attendants, electrical workers, elevator constructors, and hotel workers.

The immediate priorities of the Texas AFL-CIO focus on helping workers who have lost their jobs recover, avoiding unnecessary layoffs, and making sure adequate compensation is available. Texas must improve safety for working people who have kept the state’s economy going at serious risk to themselves.  

Add your name to show you support an agenda that gives Texas workers a fair shot.

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