Sign Now: Fight Kenney's Cruel Cuts

The UCP budget is an extremely cruel budget that makes life more expensive for every single Albertan. They're giving $4.7 billion away to the most profitable corporations all while asking you and your family to pay more.

Jason Kenney's corrupt government has no respect for democracy or Albertans. They've already moved to fire the independent investigator looking into bribery, fraud, forgery, and corruption in the UCP 'kamikaze' campaign.

They've been chartering private planes and spending $45 000 in lavish trips to London hotels with vitamin C showers and champagne bars.

All while attacking everyday families.

These are some of the cruelest cuts I have ever seen to AISH recipients. Causing their bills to go up every single year.

Jason Kenney has also raised the cost of renewing your vehicle, or visiting a museum.

He's raised personal income tax on every single Albertan through a sneaky backdoor method called 'bracket creep'.

Students and families will pay more for larger class sizes as hundreds of teachers get laid off across the province due to this UCP governments reckless cuts.

Post-secondary students will see tuition rise by up to 23% and pay 1% more in interest for their student loans.

The list just goes on and on. I haven't even touched on the attacks on healthcare or how they've completely gutted our startup, technology, and diversification businesses.

Albertans deserve better. They deserve a government that aims to make life more affordable, not more expensive.

Add your name to fight Jason Kenney's cruel cuts now.

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