Finding Your Place in the Climate Justice Movement

Come to our 2024 Training series! We're going to deep dive into climate justice issues and some of the ways we can fight for change. Join us for one session, or all of them to learn about climate justice and connect with like-minded people from across the state.

Climate Justice 101: Saturday, February 10th, 10:00am-11:30am (Zoom)

What does it mean to fight for climate justice? Learn about the history of intersectional environmentalism and help us craft a vision for what climate justice looks like for us.

Legislative Advocacy and Climate Justice: Tuesday, February 13th 6:30pm-8:00pm (Zoom)

The legislative session has arrived and 350NH helped submit a bill and a house resolution! Come learn about our legislation, the legislative process, and how to testify for a bill.

Climate Action Planning: Saturday, February 24th, 10:00am-11:30am (Zoom)

The state is working on a climate action plan that we've been advocating for. Come to our planning session to collaborate on our version of a climate action plan!

Climate & Militarism: Tuesday, March 5th at 6:30pm-8:00pm (Zoom)

The climate crisis has impacted war and conflict across the globe - from access to oil to drought conditions. Attend this session to talk about the impacts of militarism on our climate.

Finding Your Story in the Climate Movement: Saturday, March 23rd, 10:00am-12:00pm (In person-Concord! We will send you the address when you RSVP)

Our training series will end with a community gathering to talk about how to find your place in the climate movement and how to tell your story to make change! Join us for a morning of conversation, learning, and community.

When you sign up for a session, you will receive a zoom link for the online sessions. We will have more information about the location for our in-person gathering soon. The zoom calls will have automatic captions enabled. Let us know if you have any questions.

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Dover, New Hampshire
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