Flatten the Curve of Inequality: Connectivity

In the midst of this pandemic, it is more important than ever for people in our city to stay connected, informed and have access to lifesaving and life-sustaining resources.

With millions of people mandated to work, learn and function from home as part of a statewide effort to protect the most vulnerable from the impact of COVID-19, access to broadband internet is more critical than ever. This increased dependence on internet access creates challenges for people of color, rural communities and Californians with lower incomes who lack access to reliable, affordable internet services.

Now is the time to bridge this digital divide while protecting Californians’ rights to privacy and free speech. As the COVID-19 pandemic exposes the harsh, long-standing realities of racial and economic inequality within our state, it is important that government responses such as public-private partnerships with broadband companies seek to redress that inequity- not perpetuate it. Ensuring that the rights of all internet users are protected, regardless of their ability to pay, is a necessary step in the right direction.

In addition to internet access, households in need of devices to connect to the internet should be provided with them by local governments at no cost. Without these essential devices, people will be excluded from opportunities, information and education. Localities should distribute devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops to individuals and families in need. Municipalities must also ensure that these devices do not unnecessarily collect user data, monitor use, or restrict access to any website or service.

Finally, the County should conduct a public education campaign about available resources to support households connecting to the internet, especially in communities that are most in-need of these resources. This public education and outreach effort should be conducted in multiple languages and should use a variety of mediums to share information about available resources including social media, websites and mailers.

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  2. Copy and paste one of the options below into a new post on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or anywhere else (or click here for a jump start on a Tweet):
    1. This pandemic has shown how much people need internet connectivity to access vital information, education, resources, etc. Now's the time to bridge the digital divide by providing free high-speed broadband internet to households in need! #FTCOI https://actionnetwork.org/forms/flatten-the-curve-of-inequality-connectivity
    2. Internet access and devices w/ Internet capabilities are necessary to #FlattenTheCurveOfInequality. Local gov'ts should provide households w/ such devices at no cost. Without them, people will be excluded from opportunities, information & education. https://actionnetwork.org/forms/flatten-the-curve-of-inequality-connectivity
  3. Tag whoever you think needs to see your post or take action, including but not limited to your elected representatives! Let them know if you're a constituent or have ties to their district!
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