Flatten the Curve of Inequality: Housing Equity

No one should be worried about losing their housing during this health crisis. Many people across the United States are at risk of losing access to stable housing due to COVID-19. We need to ensure that local agencies are actively working towards protecting people from evictions, foreclosures and rent increases.

Creating broad based eviction and foreclosure moratoriums that incorporate payment forgiveness or a generous repayment plan is vital for the safety of San Diegans across our county. Local and state governments should pass rent control protections not only throughout the declared state of emergency time period of COVID-19 but beyond it.

In addition to these protective measures, it is important that local governments appropriate financial resources into relief funds for homeowners and renters to support those who have faced hardships due to COVID-19.

Local governments must provide safety nets to ensure no one is weighing their health against making ends meet.

(Return to our Flatten the Curve of Inequality issue area hub)


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  1. Copy and paste one of the options below into a new post on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or anywhere else (or click here for a jump start on a Tweet):
    1. No one should be worried about losing their housing. We need expansive housing protections during these uncertain times. Please look out for our most vulnerable communities and #FlattenTheCurveOfInequality https://actionnetwork.org/forms/flatten-the-curve-of-inequality-housing-equity
    2. With unemployment rising, rent relief programs must be established, extended & funded generously. These programs relieve economic hardships. Our elected leaders must provide rent relief to those who need it most, regardless of immigration status. #FTCOI https://actionnetwork.org/forms/flatten-the-curve-of-inequality-housing-equity
  2. Tag whoever you think needs to see your post or take action, including but not limited to your elected representatives! Let them know if you're a constituent or have ties to their district!
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