I'm a Freelancer Who Supports the PRO Act

The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act expands the definition of an employee for the purposes of allowing more people who work with a particular company to join a union in order to advocate for higher wages, better working conditions and worker protections. By using the language of an ABC test for this purpose, the PRO Act includes some independent contractors and freelancers within that umbrella. In short, it would allow freelancers in some workplaces to organize alongside their staff colleagues.

Misclassification is a serious issue that affects not only app-based workers like ride-share drivers and delivery workers. Many freelancers also have experienced gigs that were staff jobs in disguise, being held to the same standards and requirements as staff members without the benefits of sick days, paid leave, and human resources protection—and paying twice the taxes on that income. Unfortunately, many companies have found it financially beneficial to move staff positions to freelance roles, passing the financial burden and uncertainty onto the worker.

Fill out the form and indicate your support for the PRO Act as a freelancer.

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