FY 2025 Labor-HHS-Ed 302(b) Organization Sign-on Letter

Please sign this group letter seeking increases in Labor-HHS-Education appropriations for FY 2025:

Deadline: Friday, May 3rd, COB

To read the letter click here.

The Campaign to Invest in America’s Workforce, Coalition for Health Funding, Coalition on Human Needs and Committee for Education Funding have joined together to draft a letter to lead appropriators in Congress seeking an adequate share of funding for Labor-Health and Human Services-Education appropriations in FY 2025. This is a critical decision period in which House and Senate appropriators and Congressional leadership must decide on funding for appropriations overall and how it will be divided among the 12 appropriations subcommittees. As you know, the Labor-HHS-Education subcommittee covers funding for health care, research, and public health protections, substance use and mental health disorder prevention and treatment, job training, protections for workers, child care, Head Start, and other children’s services, assistance for seniors and people with disabilities, education from pre-k through college, help for immigrants, heating and cooling assistance, anti-poverty programs, and much more. Many of these programs have lost ground for years; the letter gives examples and calls for funding adequate to meet today’s needs.

Local, state, and national-scope groups are all encouraged to sign this letter. We very much hope you will sign and circulate this request to other organizations.

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