General Election 2024: Na'amod's Demands

Sign up here to play your part in holding our politicians to account during this general election.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has called a general election for July 4th. During their time in government, the Conservative party has attacked our rights to protest, pitted marginalised communities against each other, fostered open anti-Palestinian racism, and aided and abetted Israel’s crimes against humanity in Gaza.

As a movement of UK Jews, we have spent the last six years demanding political change from our communities and our Government. Since 7th October we have been clear in our demands that we need not only a permanent ceasefire and hostage deal but an end to the political cover and material support for Israel that allows it to continue to oppress Palestinians with impunity.

We need a different vision from our political and communal leaders. That’s why, in the run-up to this election, we call on parliamentary candidates from all parties and none to commit to:

  • Advocate for an immediate, permanent ceasefire & hostage deal

  • End arms licenses to Israel

  • Uphold the judgements of the ICC and ICJ

  • Protect our right to protest

  • Commit to an expansive and collaborative effort to combating antisemitism

  • Restore funding to UNRWA

  • End the UK’s complicity in Israel’s occupation and apartheid

We will use these demands as a benchmark to hold politicians and any future UK government to account regarding their complicity in Israel’s atrocities in Gaza. Make your voice heard!

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