Georgia Get Out to Vote Pledge Card

All U.S. citizens aged 18 and older are eligible to vote in this year’s elections. Now’s the time to think about your plan to cast your ballot and make your voice heard.

So many things are on the ballot this year! People in counties across Georgia will be able to vote on County Sheriffs, Judges, Congressional seats,  state legislators, and of course, the president!

Complete this pledge card to pledge to vote on Election Day or absentee ballot. We’ll follow up with you to remind you to vote and to share helpful information helping build a healthy, equitable democracy and BIPOC political power.

For more information, click here and check out some FAQs on voting in Georgia below!

How can I register to vote?

I don’t know if I’m registered, how can I check?

What are my options for voting without having to go to the polls?

If I go to the polls, what options do I have for being able to vote safely given the need for social distancing?

How do I check which polling location I should go to in order to cast my vote? How will I know if my polling place changes?

Can I take time off to vote?